Additional Resources

Additional Documents

Automatic Payment Authorization

If you would like to have your payments automatically deducted from your bank account, please complete our online Recurring Billing Authorization Form. To download the form click here.

Authorization to Release Information

If you would like to allow our office to discuss your account with someone other than you, please complete and return this Authorization to Release Information form.

Monthly Financial Statement

Velo Law works with consumers to develop achievable payment plans. If you would like to propose a payment plan, please complete and return the Monthly Financial Statement PDF form. This will assist you and our team in ensuring we agree on a realistic and sustainable plan that works for your budget. You may download the form and complete it electronically or print and complete by hand. Please return the completed form to our office by mail or by email*. 

Please note, completion of the form does not guarantee acceptance of your payment plan proposal. If you have not heard back from our office within 7 business days, please contact our office to confirm if your proposal was received and accepted.

Mailing Address: 

Velo Law Office
1750 Leonard Street NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505  

*Email Address: 

[email protected]

*If you choose to return your completed Monthly Financial Statement by email, we recommend sending your email securely for the best privacy and protection of your personal information (“Confidential Mode” if you are a Gmail user. Encryption methods vary by your email provider— search online or check your email provider’s Help section if unsure).

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

The SCRA, signed into law December 19, 2003, not only protects those on active duty; it also affords protection for Reservists and members of the National Guard (when activated under Title 10, United States Code). The Act’s purposes are to enable servicemembers (SMs) to devote their entire energy to the defense needs of the Nation; and to provide for the temporary suspension of judicial and administrative proceedings and transactions that may adversely affect the civil rights of SMs during their military service. To learn more and to determine if the SCRA applies to you and your account, please review this Guide to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. For clarification or to notify us of an SCRA exemption, please contact our team by mail, email, or phone:

[email protected]
(616) 333-0707
M-F 8:00 am – 4:30 pm EST 

Velo Law Office
1750 Leonard St NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Garnishee Information

As an employer, garnishments can be difficult and tedious. In order to help employers with this legally required process, Velo Law has created this resource section to assist garnishees to properly respond and withhold. However, it is always recommended that you consult your own attorney.

Garnishee Calculation Sheet

Michigan Garnishee Disclosure