Debt Collections Law

Collection & Recovery Services




Experienced Guidance

Velo Law is a collection law firm established in 2010 and located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We practice across multiple states including Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Montana. Velo represents clients in federal and state courts as we provide collection, litigation and claims recovery legal services for consumer and commercial receivables.

Velo Law provides in-house collections services, allowing comprehensive collections and legal services in one for streamlined and optimized strategy. We provide review and consultation with creditor clients to establish a plan and advise on a data-driven approach to portfolio recovery management.

Debt Collections

Pre-Collection / Early-Out

Our in-office collections representatives are skilled and experienced in seeking payment for your accounts in early delinquency stages to prevent consumer default. Setting up a workflow partnership with our firm allows us to tackle those accounts sooner rather than later which is ultimately best financially for both parties.

Standard / Traditional Collections

We maintain a standard collections floor with traditional collections services to complement our legal/judicial collection services. Clients have the benefit of placing portfolios in a single location without the necessity of dividing accounts between agencies and firms. You can think of us as a collection agency and law firm in one.

Legal / Judicial Collections

If the data indicates that an account will yield the best return on investment through litigation and legal enforcement, we provide the legal services necessary to pursue those steps. Several factors enter into determining the suitability of an account but in certain instances it’s the best route for recovery. Our team of staff and attorneys are highly skilled in making the litigation process as efficient and effective as possible. Our business-minded approach keeps us cognizant of maximizing your ultimate margin for the most competitive services and returns we can provide in the long-term.

Proven Expertise

Velo Law offers a proven record of collecting hundreds of millions of dollars for creditors throughout the country. Our foundation is a step-by-step process, each building upon the other based on leading technology, collections techniques, compliance, and enforcement resulting in optimal revenue recovery.

Our services

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